Data-Driven Agile Auditing: The Ultimate Guide for Local Government Chief Audit Executives

Nathan Pickard, CIA, CISA

If you've stumbled upon this guide, it’s probably because you have a similar problem as most government municipalities—trying to do more with less while mitigating risk.

Before we dive into data-driven agile auditing, let’s ask a few questions to make sure this guide is right for you:

  • Are you frustrated with the pacing of your projects?
  • Do you get annoyed when projects fail to adapt to change?
  • Are your stakeholders asking you for more insights?
  • Do your stakeholders want data to back up those insights?

As an internal auditor, you’re getting the job done, but you know things should be optimized. How do you do that? The answer?


But it’s not enough to have data. You need to know what to do with it. When it comes to working with data though, you might have some concerns.

We have analysts, and we work with data every day. Why do we need agile auditing?

Your team knows your data better than anybody, but you may be spending more time cleaning and understanding it when you could be focusing on generating actionable insights.

If this is you, download our guide now!

Data-Driven Agile Auditing: The Ultimate Guide for Local Government Chief Audit Executives

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