Introducing a Roles, Permissions, and SoD product
No one needs to know it was this easy.
Built for Tyler Enterprise ERP powered by Munis® Roles & Permission Settings
Book a call to learn how we show risk and help you monitor
Understand which Tyler Enterprise® ERP or Munis® ERP users have access to what data, and know how your users use the permissions they have been given.
Out of th box mapping of 1000+ Tyler Munis® Permissions to 50+ SoD conflict pairs.
Payroll and HR do not communicate with you about employees that are terminated or inactive. We can help.
There are too many employees with so many roles. It's hard to know how to limit their access.
Grant minimum access to users necessary with ThirdLine's analysis of all roles & permissions in your ERP.
ThirdLine identifies the highest risk permissions to tell you which Users and Roles do not need them.
See how our analytics flag highest risk Users, Roles, and Permissions
Audit Fraud
Permissions allow the possibility for a user to enter a fictitious purchase order and enter the covering payment.
Audit Fraud Risk
Permissions allow the possibility for a user to approve a fictitious purchase order and enter the covering payment.
audit fraud
Permissions allow the possibility for a user to maintain a fictitious vendor and create a payment to that vendor.
Audit Risk
Permissions allow the possibility for a user to create an invoice through ERS goods receipt and hide it in an asset that would be depreciated over time.
Permissions allow the possibility for differences between cash deposited and cash collections posted to be covered up.
Audit Fraud Risk
Permissions allow the possibility for a user to modify data in tables or modify valid configuration values and set up the production environment to run transactions and programs using the inappropriately modified data.
Audit Fraud Risk
Permissions allow the possibility for a user to post a journal entry and the ability to modify hierarchy and reporting output.
Audit Risk
Flags if a user has IT system admin and non-view permissions at the same time.
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